Paxton, Illinois

Family Oriented, Earth Freindly, Community Active


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Paxton’s Blog

Community              Calender


Paxton’s Weblog For local events, news, & commentary                             Community  Calender For everyone to share upcoming events

Getting Involved

Two things that are guaranteed to destroy any community or neighborhood, are “Apathy” and “Inaction” So what can you as an individual do ?  Plenty!. Regardless of the size of your community or neighborhood there are always plenty of issues/projects to get involved with such as helping the elderly, the local food pantry, youth programs, environmental issues such as recycling or clean up projects, attending neighborhood/community meetings as well as City Council meetings.  The first thing is to decide which of the many issues “YOU” feel strongly about or are interested in and go from there. Check out the many  Bulletin boards to see whats happening in your area....For Ideas in the Paxton and Ford County area check out our getting involved page here

Support your local Food Bank

As you know it has been a rocky year for the Folks running the food bank. First the building got sold, then they lost their sponsor and needed to find a new one. I honestly don’t know how that is going but I DO KNOW they continue to provide food for those in our community that need it. As this economic nightmare worsens they are going to have more people in need of help. So please do what you can, drop off some canned goods, cash, participate in the upcoming auction, or maybe even volunteer.                                   Every little bit helps......Pantry hours are Thursday and Saturdays 9 -Noon.. They are still located at 780 S. Vermillion. Phone # 217-379-9128

Helping the Enviorment

Earth Friendly

 The average American produces aprx. 4 pounds of garbage “PER DAY”  How many people in your community???? Recycling is GREAT WAY to help the enviorment and make your community and our Planet a cleaner place to live. For those of you in the Paxton/Ford County area, it is easier than ever to start recycling. You can use the Drop off Facility on the North end of Market St. in Paxton. Or you can Contact Central Illinois Disposal and Refuse and they provide Recycling Pick up service for their Customers. The Drop off Hours are  Tuesdays and Thursdays 8 to noon, Fridays 1-3 and Saturdays 10 to noon

We are also waiting to here back from the Saybrook township for more info on their recycling Center. But there is more to recycling than just taking in your plastic, paper,  and cans. You can reduce your waste and re use many item around your home. Checkout our Going Green Page for more ways to Help the enviorment and Save $$$ for more

Helping the elderly

Many elderly residents in your community are struggling to make ends meet. Living on fixed incomes that barely pay the monthly bills, things like “nutritios meals, medication, and winter heating become a MAJOR  problem. Some don’t have transportation to shop or get to Doctor appointments, others may not even be able to walk to the store. Many would just love to have someone to visit with. There are programs in every community that try to help these residents and would love to hear from people who want to help... 

In Paxton we have 

Peace meals; This program provides meals to the elderly. They are located at the Civic Center and you can call 217-379-4203 for more info.

Tele-care: Provides transportation for the Elderly and Disabled. You can call Barb at 217-379-3925

Political /Social Issues

Here are the addresses to your local Reprsentatives.

Shane Cultra                            
Springfield Office:
230-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL   62706
(217) 558-1039

District Office:
104 West Lincoln Avenue
Onarga, IL  60955
(815) 268-4090
(815) 268-7245 FAX

 Sen. Dan Rutherford
 District Office    
 320 N. Plum St.  
 Pontiac Il. 61764
 Toll Free 866/866-4053

 Capitol Office           
 105-B Capitol Building
 Springfeild, Il.62706  

 Office of the Governor
 207 State House
 Springfield, IL 62706
 Phone: 217-782-0244
 TTY: 888-261-3336
 Office of the Governor
 James R. Thompson Center
 100 W. Randolph, 16-100
 Chicago, IL 60601
 Phone: 312-814-2121

Writing a personal letter to your Elected Officials is always a great way to get you opinion heard but you can also send a simple note like the one below or call them. Also contact your friends and relatives to do the same. Your voice DOES make a difference. Simply state what it is you are “against/ or In favor of” . In the example below you would simply change all the Red Text to state YOUR issue Like example #2. Letters like this can be copied/printed off to give to others and put in various parts of your community, like the grocery store , and anywhere there is a bulletin board..                                

Dear __________ please support Legislation to provide the Prompt payment to Our Medical and Mental Health Care Providers. Bills such as HB2400 (now in the Senate) and SJR 0031. Thank you

Name _____________________________



Dear __________ please support The tax rebate issue Thank you

Name _____________________________

