Energy efficient Light Bulbs: We’ve all seen those wierd looking light bulbs at just about every store we go to, and they seem to be more expensive than regular light bulbs, so many of us ( yes me too) continue to buy the regular Bulbs. Well, I finally decided to try the New bulbs and I was quite surprised. We switched over to the New bulbs in October 2008. In Nov. there was an aprx. $6 reduction in Our electric bill. In December it was aprx. $ 9. Jan was $8, Feb. $7, and Mar was $8. Please understand that these ARE ESTIMATES. But the bottom line is that our electric bill went down... an average of $8 per month. I spent aprx $36 Dollars for all the new bulbs, so they have paid for themselves and I have thus far not needed to replace any, ( not even in our kitchen which really goes through bulbs) Also you can NOW get these New energy efficient Bulbs in Many different styles and wattages. In fact you can also order these from your Electric Company, And last but far from least, these bulbs can be recycled. Contact your electric company for all the details